Credit card processing fees can be a confusing whirlwind for business owners, making the possibility of overpaying extremely likely. Researching and understanding what each provider has to offer puts you in control of how much your business will spend, the way your community views your establishment and employee satisfaction.
Profit Margins for Restaurants Growing: Will this Increase Continue?
Since 2008, profit margins in restaurants have grown consistently, but this increase is never guaranteed. With food and labor costs on the rise, how can you prevent your margins from eroding without losing your customer base?
Why Your Small Business Needs a Solid Business Plan. Now.
Whether your business is starting up, considering expansion, or planning for the future, a solid business plan is an essential aspect of your operations. It’s so important that, without one, you could be missing out on funding opportunities and profits.
Restaurateurs | To Go Debt Free, or Not to Go Debt Free?
Some restaurants are going debt-free, but does that make sense for your business? Although some debt is decidedly “bad debt,” other investments can help accelerate your restaurant’s growth. Careful consideration of debt options is essential; read on for questions you can ask for a quick debt self-evaluation.
Small Businesses | Keeping Hiring Practices Legal
As your small business gains traction in this economy, you may find that it’s time to add employees. We wrote in February about ways you can find and attract the right employees for your business, which is a critical first step toward expanding your headcount. But whether your small business is growing from one or two employees, or from 50 … Read More
Small Businesses | How To Find and Attract the Right Employees.
Earlier this month, we wrote about how the U.S. economy has begun adding jobs within the small business sector. We advised that a review of the business’s cash flow strategy and financial plan were necessary first steps before adding employees. Let’s assume the financials are in order, and your business is ready to take the next step; it’s time to … Read More
Trends That May Affect Your Restaurant in 2014
2014 has kicked off with some “game-changer” trends that could shoot your restaurant ahead of the competition. Find out more about these trends and how you can put them in place at your establishments.
Sustainability Doesn’t Always Mean Energy-Efficiency: Reducing Food Waste Has Economic Benefits for Restaurant Owners
In the restaurant business, food is money. Reducing the amount of wasted food in your restaurant reduces the amount of wasted money in your business’s cost structure. But there are other ways that reduced food waste contributes to reduced operating costs.
Why Your Business Should Accept Credit Cards.
As a business owner, you may sometimes wonder if accepting credit card payments are worth the cost. After all, it does add to your expense column. You have to buy or lease the card processing equipment, you may need to change your accounting system, you need to train employees on how to handle payment, validate identification and prevent fraud, and … Read More
The Daily Deal – Friend Or Foe Of The Small Business?
Groupon. LivingSocial. Gilt Groupe. There are few advertising options that garner as much praise and poison at the daily deal provider. They’re heralded as traffic generators in one breath, and small business destroyers in the next. What is their attraction? The most obvious benefit to the daily deal is traffic generation. Overall, almost 80 percent of daily deal traffic comes … Read More